Thank you for considering St. Andrews UMC as your church! We would be delighted to welcome you into our family.
Here are a few notes about what to expect on your first visit:
Here are a few notes about what to expect on your first visit:
- Our worship service is generally one hour. Here's the general structure: prelude music, call to worship, choir anthem, hymn, Scripture lessons, another hymn, sermon, offering, doxology, and closing hymn with the benediction. Hymns are led by the organ with a piano accompaniment.
- As a general rule, men wear dress pants and a collared shirt. Women typically wear slacks and a blouse or dress. But, come as you are!
- Please provide your name, address and phone number to the Attendance Registrar sitting in the back of the church so that the pastor can reach out and help serve your ministry needs.
- Toddler nursery is unavailable at this time.
If you're interested in serving God through any of the following areas, please contact the associated chairperson!
Becoming a member...……………………………...…………… Rev. Christopher Serufusa
Sunday School...…………………………………...……………….. Lori Young and John McRae, Co-Chairs
Choir and Music Programs...…………………………...…….. Lisa Shives, Music Director
Lay Reader/Hymn Leader......……………...…………………. Sherri Heil and Carol Williamson, Co-Chairs
Ushers.......……...…………………………...………...……………… Check back later for more information!
Toddler Nursery...…...…………...…......…...……………...….. Joyce McClanathan
Missions....………......……………………………………………..…. Joyce McClanathan
Fundraising Activities...………………………...…...…... ....…. Paula Bailey and Carol Weible, Co-Chairs
Vacation Bible School...……………...…………………….……. Jessi Leggett
Technology...……………………...…….........…………...……….. Steven McRae and John McRae
Becoming a member...……………………………...…………… Rev. Christopher Serufusa
Sunday School...…………………………………...……………….. Lori Young and John McRae, Co-Chairs
Choir and Music Programs...…………………………...…….. Lisa Shives, Music Director
Lay Reader/Hymn Leader......……………...…………………. Sherri Heil and Carol Williamson, Co-Chairs
Ushers.......……...…………………………...………...……………… Check back later for more information!
Toddler Nursery...…...…………...…......…...……………...….. Joyce McClanathan
Missions....………......……………………………………………..…. Joyce McClanathan
Fundraising Activities...………………………...…...…... ....…. Paula Bailey and Carol Weible, Co-Chairs
Vacation Bible School...……………...…………………….……. Jessi Leggett
Technology...……………………...…….........…………...……….. Steven McRae and John McRae
We are located in the South End of Hagerstown beside the South Hagerstown High School Stadium. We are about two miles north of I-70 at the Sharpsburg Pike exit and also about three miles north of the Downsville Pike exit. We can also be reached by getting off I-81 at the Halfway Exit and traveling toward the Mall. Continue on Halfway Blvd. until Downsville Pike and make a left. Continue to the church on your right.