"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about". I saw this on the back of a tee shirt that a young man was wearing recently. February reminds us of unconditional love because of Valentine's Day and that shirt made me more aware of trying not to judge people who may appear to be in a bad mood or just not very friendly. We don't know what is going on in the lives of others and because God never promised us a rose garden these people may be suffering emotionally or physically. I think one of our responsibilities as Christians is to love unconditionally.
We are beginning to rehearse for our Easter Cantata and would like to encourage anyone who loves singing to join us. We will practice the cantata every Sunday after church until 11:30. After 11:30 regular choir rehearsal will begin so that those of you who are joining us for the cantata are able to leave. As you can see, about 20 minutes is all you need to give and we would love to have you join us.
Wednesday, February 5th from 6:00 to 7:00 is our next Worship and Music team planning meeting. Feel free to join us or give us suggestions for our ministry at St. Andrews.
Remember to "Love one another, as I (Jesus) have loved you."
Lisa Shives,
Worship & Music Director
We are beginning to rehearse for our Easter Cantata and would like to encourage anyone who loves singing to join us. We will practice the cantata every Sunday after church until 11:30. After 11:30 regular choir rehearsal will begin so that those of you who are joining us for the cantata are able to leave. As you can see, about 20 minutes is all you need to give and we would love to have you join us.
Wednesday, February 5th from 6:00 to 7:00 is our next Worship and Music team planning meeting. Feel free to join us or give us suggestions for our ministry at St. Andrews.
Remember to "Love one another, as I (Jesus) have loved you."
Lisa Shives,
Worship & Music Director