From the Pastor:
Year-End Giving
Year end is a great time for giving, and God’s grace is visible even in the midst of federal tax laws.
That grace allows us to be a generous giver to the work of the Realm of God without any penalties; indeed, you can do so with advantage. So, as we approach the end of the calendar year, please think of making an additional year-end contribution. Not only will this help our church operations, ministry, and mission, but it will allow you to get the benefit of tax savings.
You are not limited to giving cash. Your tax savings can be even greater if you give appreciated assets, such as stocks and bonds. By donating stocks or bonds, you receive as additional bonus by avoiding the federal capital gains tax. Securities will allow you to receive the charitable deduction based on their fair market value on the date of the gift along with avoiding all federal capital gains taxes that would otherwise be due at the time of sale of these assets.
Year-End Giving
Year end is a great time for giving, and God’s grace is visible even in the midst of federal tax laws.
That grace allows us to be a generous giver to the work of the Realm of God without any penalties; indeed, you can do so with advantage. So, as we approach the end of the calendar year, please think of making an additional year-end contribution. Not only will this help our church operations, ministry, and mission, but it will allow you to get the benefit of tax savings.
You are not limited to giving cash. Your tax savings can be even greater if you give appreciated assets, such as stocks and bonds. By donating stocks or bonds, you receive as additional bonus by avoiding the federal capital gains tax. Securities will allow you to receive the charitable deduction based on their fair market value on the date of the gift along with avoiding all federal capital gains taxes that would otherwise be due at the time of sale of these assets.